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Grandmother's Recipe: Arretjescake

Tuesday, 14th February 2017 - Last updated on: Wednesday, 1st March 2017


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No Bake Bokkenpootjes - Vanilla Cake!

Monday, 24th October 2016 - Last updated on: Monday, 24th October 2016
No bake, super easy BOKKENPOOTJES - vanilla cake!

October, the end of the year is slowly approaching, and we’ve replaced our outdoor activities for indoor ones. One... Read entire article »

Sinterklaas And Dutch Kruidnootjes

Thursday, 18th August 2011 - Last updated on: Friday, 11th November 2011

The Dutch Sinterklaas time is coming in three months already and soon enough the candy that comes along with it, will be in the stores again! Sinterklaas you say? I can hear you think, what are you talking about? Those with Dutch parents or grandparents will most likely know that the celebration of Sinterklaas is a very big tradition in Holland where children are the centre of attention! You can compare it to how Christmas is being celebrated with Santa Claus in the USA, Canada, Australia etc, where all the children are receiving presents. It's just like that, but instead of it being with Christmas, our Sinterklaas is celebrated on December 5th (or sometimes on December 6th) and has literally nothing to do with Christmas.

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Authentic Dutch Apple Pie

Tuesday, 9th August 2011 - Last updated on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011

Apple Pie - who doesn't love it? It could very well be the most popular pie in the world,.... but to the Dutchies, this pie is like the mother of all pies ;). Here in Holland everyone knows someone who can make the best apple pie in the world and if you have ever been in Holland, you must have noticed the signs outside of café's saying "Koffie en appeltaart - € 4.50". Yes, apple pie in Holland is so popular that bars and café's serve it on their menu's (and often served with sweetened whip cream)! You could say that coffee and apple pie belongs to the traditions of Holland. It is also almost always served on birthdays - and not after dinner as most of you would think, but before! In Holland we take coffee and apple pie on birthdays in the afternoon, after which the beers and wine is served.

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