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Poffert, A Thick Raisin Cake From The North Of The Netherlands.

Monday, 8th May 2017 - Last updated on: Monday, 23rd October 2017

Recipe: “Poffert”

a thick raisin cake from the north of the Netherlands.

With this recipe we’ll be travelling to the north of the Netherlands; Groningen.
There we’ll find this regional dish. It’s easy to make, but the recipe requires some time for the batter to rise. This “Poffert” is also known as “Ketelkoek”. Ketelkoek translates into “kettle cake”.
Poffert is invented by the people of Groningen, but people from Drenthe are also familiar with this recipe. It was originally created especially for people who did hard work all day, such as farmers.
The original recipe contained buckwheat flour, but you can replace it by wheat flour also. Traditionally, a special pan was used to make Poffert, but as they are not easy to come by, you can also use a frying pan, as explained below.

You need:

200 ml semi skimmed milk
3.5 grams of yeast
250 grams sifted buckwheat or wheat flour
1 egg
75 grams currants
75 grams of raisins
75 grams of white raisins
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
2 sweet/sour apples
50 grams of butter

6 tablespoons of molasses

How to make your “Poffert”:

Gently warm the milk in a saucepan until lukewarm. Pour one half in a bowl and add the yeast.
Let it rest for 5 minutes. Put the flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Make a little hole in the middle, break the egg above the hole. Now add the yeast-mix and the rest of the milk.
Stir until you have a smooth batter, then cover with a kitchen towel for one hour and put the bowl in a warm place.
Add the currants and raisins to your batter.
Heat some oil in a frying pan, gently pour in the batter, and cover the pan with a lid.
Cook on low heat for 40 minutes, then use a plate or the lid to turn your Poffert and cook the other side for 13 minutes to get a nice color.

In the meantime: cut your apples in thick slices, heat some butter in a frying pan, and bake the apples for 5 minutes. Add the molasses, and bake for 2 more minutes. If you're not a fan of molasses, you can also add some real butter instead.

You can serve your Poffert and apples warm, but it’s also delicious when cooled off!

Enjoy your meal! / Eet smakelijk!

(Original recipe and picture: Allerhande Magazine)

Tags: poffert, baking, bakken, recept, recipe, rozijnen, krenten, raisins, currants, food, eten

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